As an artist who has explored various mediums, including drawing, painting, and printmaking, I have recently discovered a passion for quilting and the creation of quilted clothing, including kimonos, jackets, and handbags. My work is influenced by my love for color, pattern, and texture, and I strive to create pieces that are both visually striking and functional.

In my quilted pieces, I seek to combine traditional techniques and modern aesthetics to create unique and one-of-a-kind works of art. I am inspired by the rich history and cultural significance of the kimono, and I strive to honor this tradition in my quilted versions. I also enjoy experimenting with different fabrics, patterns, and stitching techniques to create pieces that are both beautiful and wearable.

As I continue to grow and evolve as an artist, I am excited to explore the potential of quilting and quilted clothing as a medium for artistic expression. I hope that my work will inspire others to appreciate the beauty and versatility of this age-old craft.

Amy Lea Blicher

wearable textiles & quilt creations




Shop on Etsy - AmyLeaQuiltCreations